Dear fellow Paneristi,
we would like to share our "We are Pamily" charity with you. The organizer is "Paneristiclub e.V." from Germany. In the raffle you can win some very high value and sought after Panerai items. The charity is for the following good cause:
The net profit of the raffle will be donated to
"Kinder und Jugendhospiz Regenbogenland" more info about the institution you can find on their official website
www.kinderhospiz-regenbogenland.de .
we would like to share our "We are Pamily" charity with you. The organizer is "Paneristiclub e.V." from Germany. In the raffle you can win some very high value and sought after Panerai items. The charity is for the following good cause:
The net profit of the raffle will be donated to
"Kinder und Jugendhospiz Regenbogenland" more info about the institution you can find on their official website
www.kinderhospiz-regenbogenland.de .
With your PayPal-transaction you get an automatic proof of participation from PayPal. All the prices will be sent only to the verified addresses of your PayPal-acount. The price for one lot is 10,00€. Everybody can buy as many lots as he wants to. Summarized there are lots for a total amount of 4.000,00€. After selling the 400 lots the charity is closed.
The raffe starts May 1st and runs until May 31st or till the last lot is sold.
All members of the PANERISTICLUB e.V. take part with one lot each automatically.
Totally we have now 31 single prizes. The winners of the charity will be drawn one by one for each price on a GTG, in GERMANY where everybody can take part who wants to.
Sincerely your PANERISTICLUB e.V.
Liebe Paneristifreunde,
Wir stellen unsere "We are Pamily" Charity-Aktion vor. Der Veranstalter ist der PANERISTRICLUB e.V.. Es gibt viele hochwertige und tolle Preise für folgenden guten Zweck:
Der Reinerlös unserer Spendenaktion geht an das
„Kinder und Jugendhospiz Regenbogenland“ mehr info darüber hier: www.kinderhospiz-regenbogenland.de
Wir stellen unsere "We are Pamily" Charity-Aktion vor. Der Veranstalter ist der PANERISTRICLUB e.V.. Es gibt viele hochwertige und tolle Preise für folgenden guten Zweck:
Der Reinerlös unserer Spendenaktion geht an das
„Kinder und Jugendhospiz Regenbogenland“ mehr info darüber hier: www.kinderhospiz-regenbogenland.de
Many thanks to:
in alphabetical Order
Cengi Bilgic - www.corrigia.com
Ralf Ehlers und Volker Wiegmann - www.vintagepanerai.com
Uwe Heimann - www.bombastraps.com
Alexander Hertel - www.slyzz.me
Nico Hülkenberg - www.nicohulkenberg.net
Kyros - www.kyros-straps.com
Maysam Rahmati - www.mays-berlin.com
Peter Rust - www.rust-online.de
Simona di Stefano - www.distefanostraps.com